What is the date/time of the event?
October 12 2024, 2-7PM

What do I get with my ticket?
15 drink tokens, N/A beverages, food, games, entertainment, camaraderie, and fun!

Where is the event?
Soccer field area near the bandshell, in Ludington Park, Escanaba MI

Can I buy more tokens?
Additional tokens will be available at the front gate. However, we’ve found that they’re rarely needed.

Who benefits from this event?
100% of proceeds benefit charity, not in anyone’s pockets!  Proceeds benefit The United Way of Delta County, and other local charities.  In the past these have included Delta County Cancer Alliance, Ford River Volunteer Fire Dept, the Delta County  Child Advocacy Center, and others.

What about designated drivers?
DDs can purchase tickets at the gate for $25, , and can still partake in all portions of the event except for the beer/wine.

Do I really need my ID?
Everyone must present ID for entrance.  Yes, even you.

Can my teenager DD for me?
All entrants must be 21. It’s welcome and encouraged that they pick you up after the event, however.

Where can I park?
You may park and leave your car overnight at any DDA/Ludington Park parking lot (Map), or where legal on any side street.

Can I bring…

    A chair? – Yes!
    Water? – We will have water and other N/A beverages available, but sealed water bottles are permitted
    My own beer? – No outside alcohol is permitted. Don’t worry, we’ll have plenty!
    My dog? – No, sorry. We love dogs, but there are a lot of people at this event and we’d hate to see him/her get stepped on! Service animals are of course welcome if you have their registration paperwork.
    My child? – All entrants must be 21, with the exception of immobile infants
    An umbrella? – You may bring an umbrella for walking to/from the event, but please keep it closed at all times on event grounds

I ordered tickets online and requested that they be shipped to me, but I didn’t receive them. What do I do?
Contact our ticket vendor, Brown Paper Tickets, at 800-838-3006 or support@brownpapertickets.com

What if I bought a ticket and now I can’t go?

Physical tickets and print-at-home tickets can be handed to another person.

If you bought a mobile ticket, instructions on how to transfer to another person can be found here:


Can I get a refund for my ticket?

Sorry, we are not offering refunds. Please find a friend to give your ticket to!